
Weve been on the run, driving in the sun, looking out for number 1

Just a reminder, this blog baby is neither deep nor does it have beautiful photos. I write how i am, and this blog was started on a whim and i have become strangely attached. To my 5 followers (sarah, zof, jack, jack, ellen) , i am glad you and undoubtedly the pedo i speak so fondly of read this, becuase to be listened to and to entertain are my personal rewards. i hope i dont sound like a pretentious wanker most of the time, but i do love reading comments,and if you enjoy it feel free to join the ranks of an almost stalker and follow.
I'm glad you've stuck around.
Im ttttired and i had written a long thing but computer deleted it so now i need to sleep.
what a disappointing post.
Really sorry.
Will give 'uge update tomorrow.


  1. ill comment because i know how good it feels when you get a comment, and seeing as i make up 2\5ths of the fan base i think i should
