
Some Shnapshots

All of these are ibaby photos, all my good photos are on my camera, duh.
This is me on Rodeo drive standing out the front of chanel on rodeo drive. i must return, i must see celebs.
Rodeo Drive.

Pretty sure thats the corner of the infamous versace store,which my mum claimed she 'just wanted to have a look in' and stayed for 10000 hours. we just left her there and picked her up later.
Ah, and what would so ive heard these make you famous be without my beloved tavi rants.
you've probably seen this on her blog, the good for nothing little jacket ugly shoe wearer bespectaled so and so. They have these weird bubble things in the floor of the prada store with mannekins reading books. cool.
alexis and i with the novelty tiffany penguins. i insisted on wearing heels down rodeo drive as i was convnced we were going to see papparazzi who would confuse me with another celebrity and overnight i would be gracing the la times and then i would be famous. Unforunately, family didnt let me out of the car until i changed shoes. dream crushers.

... We're going to Walmart now, but i'll out on more photos and write later, but i leave ya'll with this quote...
As we were walking down hollywood boulevard in the dark atnew years, a typical american was dragging his emo teenage daughter along to something.
Daughter, moodily: Where are we going
Dad: (saracastically) to hell.
Daughter: how far?
Dad: its about 6 blocks.
My dad and i were walking past and both overheard and looked at each other and burst out laughing. now the standard answer to us for "where are we going" is; hell.

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